Become a member of Stamford Shoestring Theatre and gain the opportunity to perform on stage or assist behind the scenes. Make friends and socialise with people who share a common passion for theatre. Members receive regular newsletters which give details about productions, invitations to other non-Shoestring events and special offers to Stamford Arts Centre shows.

Data Privacy Policy
In applying to become a member you agree to the  Privacy Policy.
With regards to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have what is called a legitimate interest in contacting all paying members of Stamford Shoestring as we expect you would want to be kept up to date.
We publish a list of members’ names and addresses and telephone numbers which is only circulated to our members. We do not publish members’ email addresses and we never pass any membership information to third parties.

Private members’ data is held at the home of the Membership Secretary and is therefore secure against casual theft. The individual member is always in control of the information we hold. If you wish Stamford Shoestring to stop using your information (or to stop contacting you) please email or write to The Membership Secretary, Stamford Shoestring Theatre, c/o Stamford Arts Centre, 27 St Mary’s Street, Stamford PE9 2DL.

Current membership subscriptions are:-
Adult / Senior/ Junior (over 16, under 18 or in full-time education) £5
Child (under 16) Free

I have paid the appropriate membership fee by BACS “Stamford Shoestring Theatre Co. Ltd.”
Sort Code : 23-05-80
Account Number: 30563476
Subsequent Membership is due on 2nd January each calendar year by standing order

Membership Application Form