Joining Shoestring

Joining Shoestring

Shoestring isn't just for those who like being on stage - we have a wonderful community of members who assist in production management, costume, props, set, lighting, sound, hair and make-up, music and more. Many of our members support multiple areas so you don't have to limit yourself to one discipline. In fact, we encourage you not to! The best way to keep informed of what roles are available in future productions - both on stage and backstage - is to become a member and receive our monthly newsletter. It is through this newsletter that you will receive audition notices, lists of backstage roles available and contact details to get involved.

Play Readings

Play Readings

Whether you want to be on stage or off, play readings are a great way to learn about an upcoming show, meet the director and meet other Shoestring members. Read-through evenings are relaxed and fun and are open to all, whether you decide you'd like to be involved or not. Play readings are typically held four to five months before the scheduled performance and the director and members of the production team will be on hand to welcome you and answer any questions you may have.



Auditions are open to anyone, irrespective of membership or experience. Auditions are normally held on a Tuesday or Friday evening in the Arts Centre a couple of weeks after the read through. The audition notice in the newsletter contains a synopsis of the play, a description of the characters and relevant dates and contact details. It may also contain a list of audition pieces so that any potential cast members can prepare for their audition. Scripts and audition pieces will be available to borrow at the read through.

You're In a Show! What Does That Mean?

You're In a Show! What Does That Mean?

There are usually 12 weeks of rehearsal held at the Stamford Arts Centre. Rehearsals are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The number of rehearsals you need to attend is dependent on the size of your role. All cast and crew will be expected to attend the final week of rehearsal, then both the Sunday (get-in and tech rehearsal) and Monday (dress rehearsal) of performance week. Lack of availability must be advised to the director as soon as possible to help with the rehearsal schedule. If successfully cast, and not a current member, you will be expected to become a member of Shoestring, including paying the subscription - it's only a fiver!